April 2024

On April 28, the all-Russian coastal cleaning campaign "Water of Russia" will start, which is being implemented within the framework of the national Ecology project. 

April 2024

Traditionally, the meeting was attended by representatives of the territorial bodies of Rosvodresursy, Rosrybolovstvo, Rosmorrechflot, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Roshydromet, Rostechnadzor, JSC SO UES, PJSC RusHydro, JSC Tatenergo, and executive authorities of subjects located within the boundaries of the Volga-Kama basin. 


June 2023

Tatarstan has joined the interregional eco-marathon dedicated to the Day of the Ecologist. The banks of the Kama, Melekeski and Shilny rivers were cleaned in Naberezhnye Chelny as part of the All-Russian ecological campaign "Ecosystem: Marathon of Green Affairs" and "Water of Russia" of the national project "Ecology". The organizers are the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the city administration.

September 2022

Today is the last day of registration for the clean-up, which will take place on September 17 at Lake Emerald in the village of Yudino. The environmental campaign will be held in the format of the quest game "Clean Games".

August 2022

Today, more than a hundred caring people came to clean the Volga bank in the Admiralty settlement of Kazan.  The order in the coastal and underwater zone was brought by divers of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, activists of the public movement "It will Be Clean", representatives of large enterprises, volunteers and all concerned residents of our republic.

April 2022

For several days, activists and volunteers within the framework of the action "Water of Russia" of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology" cleaned the coastal zones of the Melekeska River, the Chelna River and the Kama River.

April 2022

Residents of the Novochechkabskoye rural settlement, within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period and within the framework of the campaign "Water of Russia", today cleared the coastal strip of the Loschi River of garbage.  Together, about 60 kilograms of garbage were collected.

December 2020

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation has summed up the results of the All-Russian campaign for cleaning the shores “Water of Russia”. At the end of the year, the Republic of Tatarstan took the third line in the rating of regions.

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