A single drop from everyone – good for the rivers! Today, more than 100 activists took part in the eco-marathon "Good deed drop by drop" as part of the action "Water of Russia"

12 August 2022, Friday

Today, more than a hundred caring people came to clean the Volga bank in the Admiralty settlement of Kazan.  The order in the coastal and underwater zone was brought by divers of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, activists of the public movement "It will Be Clean", representatives of large enterprises, volunteers and all concerned residents of our republic. Together, 1.5 km of the coast and more than 1 km of the bottom were cleared in an hour, 113 bags of garbage were collected – these are 3 bags of metal, 15 bags of glass, 28 bags of plastic and 67 with everything else.

Plastic bottles and a huge number of fishing gear - hooks, lures and fishing nets - have become a find of divers today. "All this is dangerous not only for the residents who swim and fish here, but also for marine life," Stanislav Andronov shared.

Deputy Minister of Ecology Egor Tarnavsky noted: "It is not the first year that the Republic has been implementing measures to clean up facilities. So, this year we managed to clean up two facilities in the Laishevsky district, two facilities in the Mamadyshesky district, and we also launched a project to clean up the Melekeska River in Naberezhnye Chelny. If we talk about our clean-ups and campaigns, I note that from year to year the number of residents taking part in them is growing. This suggests that ecological self-awareness, education is the most iconic tool that allows us to preserve the rich nature of our republic."

"The volunteers are faced with the task of cleaning the Volga River bank. This location is very much loved by Kazan residents, but unfortunately, some of them do not really like to clean up their garbage. The campaign will help to understand how polluted the territory is here," said the deputy chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Tatarstan Andrey Agarkov.

In addition to Tatarstan, representatives of four regions — Karachay-Cherkessia, Ingushetia, North Ossetia-Alania and the Altai Republic also joined the marathon "Good deed drop by drop".

Every volunteer who took part in the Campaign will be able to receive a certificate from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation by registering on the website of the "Water of Russia" campaign: берегдобрыхдел.рф by attaching photos to the report on the event using the "I am a volunteer" button. To do this, select the necessary event on the "Reports" map of the "Event Map" menu of the aforementioned site.

Let us recall that in 2021, according to the results of the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia", which takes place within the framework of the federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology", the Republic of Tatarstan took 1st place among all regions of the country. More than 276 thousand people took part in the event. More than 10 thousand km of the coastal strip was cleared.

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