Have time to register for "Clean Games"! We invite Tatarstan citizens to a mass clean-up

15 September 2022, Thursday

Today is the last day of registration for the clean-up, which will take place on September 17 at Lake Emerald in the village of Yudino. The environmental campaign will be held in the format of the quest game "Clean Games".

Team members will have to earn the most points for the collected garbage. For a limited time, the team needs to clean the lake shore and sort the collected waste for further processing. And specialists of the Ministry of Ecology and, of course, divers of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society will help Tatarstan residents.

We remind you to participate in the game, you need to join a team of 4 people and register by September 15 (before 18:00) via the link. For detailed information, team captains need to join the telegram channel.

A good mood is guaranteed by a concert program and a warming field kitchen.

The start of the eco-campaign is at 11:30, registration at the site is from 10:30 to 11:30.

Inventory for participation in the campaign will be issued on the spot. We are waiting for everyone at the clean-up! Happy "Clean Games" to you!

The voluntary clean-up will be held within the framework of the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia" and the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology". The organizers of the voluntary clean-up are the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, the youth movement "It will be clean" of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Branch of the RGS in Tatarstan.

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