September 2021

Today, the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, chaired by Azat Khamayev, held a meeting of the Committee on Ecology, Nature Management, agro-industrial and food policy. The event was attended by Deputy Ministers Yegor Tarnavsky and Ilnur Gubaidullin from the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Тэги: National Project Ecology

August 2021

Today, Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Yegor Tarnavsky and Deputy General Director of the Fund for Investment Development of Territories Ruslan Gadzhiev inspected biological treatment facilities in Kazan and in the village of Koshchakovo of the Pestrechinsky district. 

Тэги: National Project Ecology

August 2021

Last weekend, a voluntary clean-up was held in the Sovetsky district of Kazan to clean up the coastal territory and the bottom of the Komsomolskoye Lake. The event was organized within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of "Ecology" the national project.  

Тэги: Campaign National Project Ecology

July 2021

Assistance in the implementation of the national project "Ecology", promotion of environmental entrepreneurship, as well as the development of projects and programs aimed at solving environmental problems in the regions of the Russian Federation – these are the goals of the project "Innovative Business Navigator" 2021.

Тэги: National project Ecology Competition

The voluntary clean-up held last weekend on the territory of the Blue Lake in Kazan gathered a total of more than 60 people. Divers of the underwater research group named after A. A. Leonov took part in the action, as well as volunteers of the health and educational complex "Baitik", representatives of public organizations and residents of the city. Activists and concerned residents brought order to the coastal zone, and divers cleaned the bottom of the reservoir.

Тэги: National project Ecology

July 2021

These are the results of the voluntary clean-up held on the territory of the state nature reserve of regional significance "Mount Lobach". The event was organized within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the "Ecology" national project.

Тэги: National project Ecology Campaign

July 2021

On July 17, an environmental campaign on the territory of the state nature reserve of regional significance "Mount Lobach" will be held to clean up the territory and the adjacent underwater part of the Volga River in the Kamsko-Ustinsky district. 

Тэги: National project Ecology Campaign

July 2021

Today, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Svetlana Radionova arrived in Tatarstan on a working trip, according to the official website of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

Тэги: Ecology National project

July 2021

The international Award #WEARETOGETHER is held within the framework of the federal project "Social Activity" of "Education" national project. The purpose of the event is to support initiatives to help people and improve the quality of life. The organizer is the platform and https://авц.рф/about.

Тэги: National project Ecology Stock

Representatives of the Tatarstan branch of the Russian Geographical Society, together with activists of the republican environmental movement "It will be clean" and caring citizens, cleaned the coastal zone and Lake Lesnoye in the Aircraft Building district of Kazan. The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology".

Тэги: Ecology National project

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