Yet another mission is completed. "Lesnoye" lake is put in order

12 July 2021, Monday

Representatives of the Tatarstan branch of the Russian Geographical Society, together with activists of the republican environmental movement "It will be clean" and caring citizens, cleaned the coastal zone and Lake Lesnoye in the Aircraft Building district of Kazan. The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology".

Plastic dishes, empty bottles and disposable napkins that remain after the citizens leave were found among the garbage on the coastal territory. Scuba divers, in turn, cleaned the bottom of the reservoir: "We often find bottles at the bottom of water bodies, but today it is clean here. I am glad that the situation with pollution is changing for the better," said diver Maxim Astakhov. 

In total, 30 bags of garbage were collected during the campaign. 

Anyone can take part in sanitary actions. The next voluntary clean-up will be held on July 17 on the Volga River in the Kamsko-Ustinsky district. Join along!

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