Take part in the "Innovative Business Navigator" project

26 July 2021, Monday

Assistance in the implementation of the national project "Ecology", promotion of environmental entrepreneurship, as well as the development of projects and programs aimed at solving environmental problems in the regions of the Russian Federation – these are the goals of the project "Innovative Business Navigator" 2021. The Center for Regional Development and Business Technologies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, affiliated companies Philip Morris International in Russia and "RSPP Business School", OOO are implementing the project in the format of a free acceleration program for small and medium-sized businesses.  

Startups, active entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation working in the following areas are invited to participate in the program:

- environmental education and awareness;

- responsible production and consumption;

- protection of the environment;

- conservation of biological diversity and development of ecological tourism;

- conservation and restoration of water bodies;

- new technologies in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

Stages of the competition:

– 01.07.2021 – 30.08.2021 – collecting applications and selecting projects;

– 02.09.2021 – 05.09.2021 – start-up educational intensive online;

– 07.09.2021 – 2.11.2021 – acceleration of environmental projects online;

- November 2021 – holding a demo day for the best projects in Moscow;

- November 2021 – awarding of the finalists in Moscow.

The winners will receive grants for business development: 1st place – 500 thousand rubles, 2nd place – 300 thousand rubles (two grants), 3rd place – 150 thousand rubles (three grants), a special prize for startups – 300 thousand rubles.  The total prize fund of the program is 1.750.000 rubles.

More detailed information can be found on the website https://business-navi.ru/

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