January 2024

Will a person survive if all plants and animals disappear? And will humanity be able to exist without all the living things that exist on the planet? Such grown-up questions were asked of our inspectors by the kids of the Kolosok kindergarten in Tetyushy. 

During the raid, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan found two sewage disposal machines that illegally drained liquid household waste onto the soil near biological treatment facilities in the village of Apastovo. 

January 2024

A meeting was held in the assembly hall of the Kaibitsky district with the participation of heads of rural settlements, heads of enterprises and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The head of the Zavolzhsky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology Marat Fatrakhmanov made a report on the work done.

January 2024

Ramil Sadykov, a senior specialist of the 2nd category of the Zavolzhsky Department, sang the song "Karazle yuke baly" and took first place in the beekeepers' competition, gaining thousands of views.

January 2024

Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology have already started conducting eco-lessons and classes with schoolchildren and kindergarten students. 

December 2023

The V International Scientific and practical conference "Organization of ecological and local history research activities in schools and universities" was held at the Buinsk Gymnasium named after M. M. Vakhitov. 

November 2023

Traditionally, with the onset of winter, schoolchildren and pre-school children make bird feeders at technology lessons or at home with the help of their parents. So the pupils of the center for extracurricular work "Ecology, Culture, Development" of the Kaibitsky district took care of feathered friends and opened a bird canteen on the territory of the center, and inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of Tatarstan helped them. 

November 2023

Ecologists of the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an informative eco-conversation with the pupils of the Chistopol kindergarten No. 1 "Merry-go-round".

November 2023

Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology told the Buinsk guys what plastic is and how many years it must take for it to completely decompose and become harmless. 

October 2023

Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an eco-lesson at the Starochukalinsky school of the Drozhzhanovsky district.  The inspectors explained to the students how to behave in the forest and what to do to help nature. The students of the Starochukala school have long known the principle of "Do no harm", they told environmentalists that they take an active part in environmental campaigns. 

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