Feed the birds in winter! Tatarstan schoolchildren met feathered friends with new feeders

23 November 2023, Thursday

Traditionally, with the onset of winter, schoolchildren and pre-school children make bird feeders at technology lessons or at home with the help of their parents. So the pupils of the center for extracurricular work "Ecology, Culture, Development" of the Kaibitsky district took care of feathered friends and opened a bird canteen on the territory of the center, and inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of Tatarstan helped them. Environmentalists told how to help birds survive the cold winter and what they can be fed. After the educational lesson, the children hung out feeders and now feed feathered friends.

The kids of the kindergarten "Rainbow" of the Sovetsky district of Kazan were also told about how to help feathered friends. Here the inspectors of the Central TA showed the children how to make feeders correctly and gave recommendations on the menu. "You need to feed the birds every day at the same time. When the birds remember your feeder, it will be easier for them to feed at the same time," the experts said.

Coloring books were presented to all the children as a souvenir.

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