The head of the Zavolzhsky zone of the Ministry of Ecology reported on the work done in the Kaibitsky district

19 January 2024, Friday

A meeting was held in the assembly hall of the Kaibitsky district with the participation of heads of rural settlements, heads of enterprises and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The head of the Zavolzhsky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology Marat Fatrakhmanov made a report on the work done.

He said that in 2023, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial Administration conducted 27 inspections on the territory of the Kaibitsky district, issued 10 warnings about the inadmissibility of violations of mandatory legal requirements. Three mining sites of common minerals were reclaimed in the area (in the Burundukovsky, Ulyankovsky, Bolshekaybitsky rural settlements).

During the survey of the territory of the Kaibitsky district, 5 landfills were identified, 4 of them were eliminated. Marat Fatrakhmanov focused on the illiquid landfill. It was detected on the territory of the Starotyaberdinsky rural settlement. The area of the contaminated area was 90 sq.m. Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Department of the Ministry of Ecology filed a lawsuit against the Kaibitsky district court demanding that the territory be cleared.

Also, a representative of the Ministry of Ecology reported that in 2023, the territorial administration considered 6 appeals from residents of the Kaibitsky district. The most pressing issue of concern to the population was the issue of the formation of unauthorized landfills, where waste from the dismantling and demolition of farm buildings was stored.

At the end of the meeting, the head of the Zavolzhsky department recalled that all enterprises must submit production control reports by March 25 this year. This should be done on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management.

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