Экология министрлыгының Идел аръягы территориаль идарәсе инспекторы Рамил Садыйков үз вокалы белән социаль челтәрләрне яулады

15 January 2024, Monday

Ramil Sadykov, a senior specialist of the 2nd category of the Zavolzhsky Department, sang the song "Karazle yuke baly" and took first place in the beekeepers' competition, gaining thousands of views.

For more than 20 years, our inspector has been going out on complaints from residents of the Zavolzhsky zone of the republic. In his spare time, Ramil is engaged in beekeeping. "My hobby is my outlet. The beegarden is a place where I not only work with pleasure, but also relax," he says. About a year ago, he joined the interest chat "Bua umartachylary". In this chat, a song contest was organized, where our ecologist took 1st place. Ramil sang the song "Karazle yuke baly".

The ecologist's video on social networks has already gained about 28 thousand views. "He sings like Salavat" — this is how they speak about his performance in the comments.

We suggest that you also evaluate Ramil's vocal skills, because it's better to hear once than…

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