Repair don’t throw away! 5 simple tips for kids were given by inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology at eco-lessons in the regions of Tatarstan

20 November 2023, Monday

Ecologists of the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an informative eco-conversation with the pupils of the Chistopol kindergarten No. 1 "Merry-go-round". Experts shared simple tips that will help preserve the environment. The kids learned that almost every thing can find a second life. For example, bird feeders can be made from tetrapack bags or plastic bottles. Thus, we do two things at once: we dispose of plastic in the correct way, give it a second life, and feed the birds, which all children like to do! 
And the inspectors of the South-Eastern TA held an interactive game "What we know about nature" for the pupils of kindergarten No. 62 "Tirek" of the Nizhny Maktama village. During the game, the children learned how important it is to sort garbage, take care and save water, hand over waste paper and use reusable bags.
The Zavolzhsky Department of the Ministry of Ecology conducted similar eco-lessons for students of the M. M. Vakhitov gymnasium in Buinsk and told about how to save electricity and water and why you can't throw out used batteries.
"Children need a positive example from an environment that they understand and love. Projects with superheroes who are ready to save the world from all misfortunes find a special response. The Ministry of Ecology has its own hero – this is an Eco-man. This is just the positive example that helps to convey the main idea — caring about the world around us," the inspectors say.
At the end of the lessons, all the children received a coloring book on an environmental topic as a gift. 

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