How and what is made of plastic bottles? Ecologists told schoolchildren about this on the World Recycling Day

15 November 2023, Wednesday

Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology told the Buinsk guys what plastic is and how many years it must take for it to completely decompose and become harmless. The students learned from the inspectors that plastic decomposes depending on the density from 200 to 700 years, so used plastic items can not be thrown away, because they cause irreparable harm to the environment. Firstly, such waste can lie in the ground for several hundred years, and during this time a huge amount of waste will be thrown out and a negative cumulative effect is obtained - plastic is steadily accumulating in the ground. Secondly, such waste releases a large amount of toxic substances into the atmosphere during combustion. That is why it is so important to take plastic to specialized recycling points. "In such way you will contribute to the protection of the environment. A company that is engaged in the reception and processing of such waste uses plastic as a secondary raw material for the production of products. Plastic waste is sorted, cleaned, crushed, melted and goes through other processes. As a result, specialists receive secondary raw materials - powder or granules of plastic. This material can already be used for the production of benches, chairs and even carpets," said Leysan Gimatdinova, inspector of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan. The inspectors also told the students about other materials that can be recycled and reused in the production of things – paper, glass, metal, rubber tires and wooden waste. The guys promised ecologists that now they will dispose of waste correctly, because this is how they contribute to the ecology of Tatarstan.

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