August 2024

On August 31, the next stage of the School Eco-patrol competition is coming to an end. Over 3 thousand applications were received from students of the republic in the 2023/2024 academic year.

During the operational and preventive event "Clean Air", employees of the Ministry of Ecology, together with the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan and the interregional territorial Directorate of Rostransnadzor for the Volga Federal District, inspected 3,482 vehicles for the environmental friendliness of their exhaust gases. 3129 passenger cars, 224 trucks, 129 buses were checked.

During the monitoring of the Tetyushsky district, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Department of the Ministry of Ecology discovered a landfill in the city of Tetyushi on Kamaya Street, 1. The clutter area was 25 sq.m. 

August 2024

2,663 of them were received through the School Eco-patrol mobile application, 989 notifications were received in the People's Control system, 150 appeals were registered on the POS feedback platform and 2,329 – through the Ministry's Internet reception. 

The restriction of free access to the Alexandrovka River was revealed by inspectors of the Priiksky department in the Bavly district. 

Inspectors of the Southeastern Department of the Ministry of Ecology took part in a raid inspection of the sanitary condition of the strip of JSC "Russian Railways" and adjacent territories.


August 2024

From January 1 to August 16, 2024, 17 automatic air pollution control stations performed more than 2,713 million measurements, including five automatic air pollution control stations in Kazan performed more than 831 thousand measurements.

The Ministry of Ecology received an appeal about the unauthorized storage of waste on Tsentralno-Mariupol street near 47. During the on-site survey, the fact of illegal dumping was confirmed.  

The environmental inspection was organized jointly with specialists of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Republic of Tatarstan. The territories of the agricultural firms "Narmonki" and "Atabaevskaya", as well as the farm "Vafin R.K." were surveyed.

August 2024

The first stage of the selection of environmental projects of regional participating teams of the II All-Russian Children's Environmental Forum has been completed. The competition was held in correspondence format — schoolchildren from all over the country took part in it.


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