The management company compensates for the damage caused by soil pollution in Tyulyachy

3 December 2024, Tuesday

Inspectors of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology identified land damage in the village of Tyulyachi in May this year. The discharge of wastewater was recorded by environmentalists near the house No. 8 on Molodezhnaya Street.

Then it was found that the cause of the drain was overflowing cesspools, and the responsibility for the violation lies with the management company. Improper performance of her duties led to soil contamination with substances such as ammonium ion, chloride ion and iron. The amount of damage amounted to 16.7 thousand rubles.

The claim materials for damages were sent to the court. The decision of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan satisfied the claim of environmentalists.

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