A 7th-grader from Tatarstan became participant of the Federal Ecological Board Dina Galieva was awarded by Sergey Donskoy for active help

13 May 2016, Friday

Dina Galieva - a pupil of the 7th grade of Kazan specialized school No. 27 became participant of the Federal Ecological Board that was held these days in Khanty-Mansiysk. She told the ecological specialists from all over Russia about participation in the "School eco-patrol" contest in the framework of the round table "Experience on creation and interaction with public nature protection inspections".  Dina captures unauthorized landfills with her mobile phone using a special-purpose application, and so she receives points. "Great attention in Tatarstan is paid to children and youth, - reported the pupil in her report, - large-scale cultural and sports events are carried out, all my peers are engaged in the process, and each of us can find something to their liking. Some participate in a sports section, some choose to devote the time to further education, while others participate in ecology-related projects". The pupil from Kazan started her fight with litter last September 1st. By now, she has already sent more than 300 photos from the sites of unauthorized landfills. The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Sergey Donskoy, expressed his gratitude to Dina Galieva for active help, and he gave her a tablet. 


Dina isn't going to rest on her laurels. She studied the issue of holding of the International Ecological Campaign "Save and preserve" in Yugra, and she plans on participating in it.  A series of events will be implemented in the framework of the campaign including forums, lessons and practical classes related to ecology.



Press Service of the Ministry


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