Tatarstan Volunteer Resource Center to open "City of Kind People" on Youth Day 2024

26 June 2024, Wednesday

For the third year in a row, the Resource Center of Volunteerism of the Republic of Tatarstan will take part in the Republican Youth Day and on June 29 will open the "City of Kind People" for visitors to the URAM extreme Park. The official opening of the City will take place at 13:00.

As part of the concept of the event, the Autonomous non-profit Organization "Information and Resource Center of Volunteerism of the Republic of Tatarstan" will present the site "City of kind People". It will include the work of "good stations" (hospital, cultural center, travel agency, etc.) from volunteer movements of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The program includes:

- A quiz from the Tatarstan Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Red Cross";

- Performance of the Creative Inclusive studio "E-motion";

- Sabantuy from the movement of Cultural Volunteers;

- Master classes from the Project "It will be clean" and the Movement "Dr. Kitapkin";

- Excursions from Activists of the "Assembly of Tourist Volunteers";

- Phygital zones from the Kazan Volunteers Movement;

- Master classes on first aid from the Public Regional Rescue Team;

- Children's sports games and lottery.

At the entrance, guests of the City will receive a red thread. During the activities, participants will be able to receive beads from the movements, thereby collecting a unique bracelet – a "Thread of goodness". And after passing through all the stations, they will be able to get a real passport of the "City of Kind People".

In addition, the volunteer site will be included in the marathon from the "Other Business". By completing the tasks of the City, guests will receive points, which they can later exchange for useful bonuses from the platform.

At 19:00, at the closing of the site, the official start of the fourth season of the Republican Award in the field of volunteerism "Good Tatarstan" will take place with the planned participation of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Let us recall that the winners of the award are the leaders of the volunteer community of the republic in various areas: healthcare, ecology, inclusion, culture, event direction, assistance in the area of Special operation and others. Organizers of volunteer activities, including non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and business representatives, are encouraged. The Volunteer of the Year of the Republic of Tatarstan is determined separately.

In 2024, the Family Volunteering nomination will be an innovation for the Award, aimed at encouraging families engaged in joint volunteering.

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