The Ministry of Ecology held a competition for the best wall newspaper among departments and territorial administrations

28 December 2024, Saturday

New Year is a time of creativity and bright colors! On the eve of the winter holidays, the Ministry of Ecology held a competition for the best New Year's wall newspaper, which was attended by departments and territorial departments of the Ministry. In their work, the staff showed photographs with highlights of everyday work and wrote wishes for the next 2025. The main symbol of the New Year, the snake, was also present. The epitome of wisdom and patience, she graced almost every wall newspaper.

The children of the employees also joined the creative competition! The little artist Kira Kondratenko, the daughter of Elena Kondratenko's legal adviser from the Southeastern Department, impressed everyone with the image of Ded Moroz against the background of Christmas trees.

Thank you all for participating! Now colorful works decorate the walls of the Ministry and create a festive atmosphere!

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