KFU awarded volunteers for their help in the implementation of the Ministry of Ecology's project on the revival of Saker falcons

7 May 2024, Tuesday

At the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of KFU, Albert Shubin, Head of the Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Ecology, presented letters of thanks to volunteers for their help in implementing the project to revive the Volga-Kama Saker falcon population.

The volunteers played a significant role in the implementation of the project. They provided feeding for the chicks, kept a log of observations and monitored their adaptation. Methodological recommendations were developed for 30 volunteers with detailed instructions on how to act when feathered predators appear, when adverse weather events occur and when people appear near the huts. 

The bird watching lasted two months. The volunteers were on round-the-clock duty. The whole process took place under the close attention of the scientific community, which made it possible to feed, adapt and put falcons on the wing. As a result, the birds have become fully prepared for independent living in their natural habitat.

Let us recall that in 2023, the Ministry of Ecology, with the support of SIBUR, implemented a unique project to revive Saker falcons. Ten saker falcon chicks were brought and placed on the wing in the Kamsko-Ustinsky district of the republic. The project became the winner of the V All-Russian competition of the best environmental practices "Reliable partner - Ecology" in the nomination "The best project in the field of conservation of biological diversity".

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