The lesson of caring for feathered friends was held at the Naberezhnye Chelny school by ecologists of the Kama region administration

13 November 2024, Wednesday

An educational eco-lesson   "Don't forget about birds in winter" was held in secondary school No. 51 of Naberezhnye Chelny. The meeting was conducted with the participation of specialists from the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology.

The third graders expanded their knowledge about the life of wintering birds, their habits and the difficulties they face in the cold season. The children came to the conclusion that in winter it is especially important to take care of the birds, helping them through a difficult period with the help of feeding.

In addition to the theoretical part, the lesson included interactive elements. The students took part in the games "Bird Canteen", "Who lives nearby" and "What do you know about wintering birds". The activities helped the children to better assimilate the material and learn a lot about feathered neighbors.

"Such lessons play an important role in fostering ecological culture among the younger generation, instilling in children a sense of responsibility for the environment and a love of nature," experts from the Ministry of Ecology believe.

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