In the Mendeleevsky district, ecologists have identified two environmental violations

12 April 2023, Wednesday

Inspectors of the Prikamsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology together with the staff of the prosecutor's office conducted monitoring of the Mendeleevsky district.

During the survey of the village of Munayka in the Mendeleevsky district, the fact of illegal waste storage on the lands of the executive committee of the Mendeleevsky district was revealed. Environmentalists sent a warning to the Executive Committee of the district about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory requirements and taking measures to eliminate the landfill.

The discharge of wastewater from biological treatment facilities to the terrain with subsequent ingress into a water body was also detected. Employees of the Ministry's laboratory took samples of water and soil at the dump site. 

After the results of the analysis, a decision will be made on the further adoption of administrative response measures.

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