In hot pursuit. Illegal quarry stopped in Yutaz district

1 December 2017, Friday

The fact of non-licensed extraction of subsurface resources was revealed in village Staroye Urussu of the Yutaz district. During the visit of the inspectors of the Priik territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, special machinery was operating on site. The seizure of common mineral (clay) was carried out illegally by one of the local enterprises. According to the estimates of ecologists, the area of ​​development was 6345 square meters, the depth of the subsoil withdrawal is 8 meters. For the use of subsoil without an appropriate license, the enterprise was brought to administrative responsibility under part 1 of Article 7.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Currently, corrently the damage is calculated.

Press Service of MENR RT

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