May 2023

This Saturday, May 20, the Volga Day eco-marathon will be held as part of the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia" of the federal project "Conservation of Unique Water Bodies" of the national project "Ecology". Every year, the Volga Day gathers the most active and caring residents of the Republic on the banks of the river. 

May 2023

For the fifth time, the inspectors of the Priiksky TA go out in full force to clean the shores of reservoirs from garbage.

December 2022

The diploma of the winner of the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia" was presented today by the adviser to the head of the Federal Agency of Water Resources Ilya Razbash to the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Tatarstan Alexander Shadrikov during the ECO-leader ceremony.

November 2022

This year, Tatarstan residents have cleaned about 14 thousand km of coastal territory and collected 34 thousand cubic meters of garbage within the framework of the "Water of Russia" campaign. 455,434 people took part in these environmental activities. Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Tatarstan Egor Tarnavsky told reporters about this at a press conference today.

May 2022

Today Tatarstan joined the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia". It is part of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" within the framework of the national project "Ecology". In Kazan alone, about 300 volunteers went to the riverbank today to clear the coastal territories of garbage.

December 2021

Today, on the eve of the Volunteer Day, which is celebrated on December 5, the results of the All-Russian campaign on cleaning the shores of "Water of Russia" within the framework of the national project "Ecology" (federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies") were summed up. According to the results of 2021, Tatarstan took 1st place. 

September 2021

The results of the voluntary clean-ups that were held in the municipalities of the republic last weekend have been summed up.  The All-Russian actions "Green Russia" and "Water of Russia" were held within the framework of the federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology". 

Тэги: Campaign Water of Russia

September 2021

"The further into the forest..." - under this name, on September 11, the Central Voluntary clean-up will be held on the territory of Lake Izumrudnoye  (Yudino village). The clean-up will take place within the framework of the All-Russian Voluntary clean-up and the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology". The organizers are the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, the youth movement "Will be clean" of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Branch of the RGS in Tatarstan. The campaign will be organized in the format of a quest game.

May 2021

Today, Kazan hosted an eco-marathon of the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia", dedicated to the Volga Day. Volunteers, activists of the Republican youth movement "It will be clean", students, concerned residents of the city and employees of departments came out to clean the territory of the beach "Lower Zarechye". From the water, the participants of the action were supported by kayakers – they cleaned the surface of the water, and divers – the bottom of the river.

May 2021

On May 22, we invite everyone to take part in the eco-marathon of the All-Russian action "Water of Russia", dedicated to the Volga Day. The event will be held as part of "Ecology" national project on "Lower Zarechye" beach (Kazan, Moskovsky district). Registration of participants is at 10:30, start – at 11:00.

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