We invite residents of the capital to take part in the Central Voluntary clean-up this fall

6 September 2021, Monday

"The further into the forest..." - under this name, on September 11, the Central Voluntary clean-up will be held on the territory of Lake Izumrudnoye  (Yudino village). The clean-up will take place within the framework of the All-Russian Voluntary clean-up and the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology". The organizers are the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, the youth movement "Will be clean" of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Branch of the RGS in Tatarstan. The campaign will be organized in the format of a quest game.

Participants need to join a team of 5 people, register before September 9, 18: 00h. by the link https://clck.ru/X8DZN. To get the latest information, team captains need to join the telegram channel https://t.me/joinchat/xZPcLP1kPbNlNTMy .

During the quest game, participants will collect garbage at speed, dividing it into three factions. For each collected bag, points will be awarded, by which the teams will receive valuable prizes. The program of the event includes a concert program and a field kitchen.

The start is at 10:00, registration at the site is from 08:30 to 09:45. A transfer from the city to the event venue and back will be organized for participants. Buses depart at 09:00 from G. Tukaya St, 64 and from the KGEU parking lot.

Equipment for participation in the campaign will be issued on the spot. We are waiting for everyone at the clean-up!

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