June 2024

According to the results of the ecological two-month period, almost 4 thousand violations were detected in Tatarstan, First Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilnur Gubaidullin said on the air of the Tatarstan Regional Management Center.

June 2024

Today, at a meeting in the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, the Minister of Ecology reported on the results of the sanitary and environmental two-month period. 

May 2024

During the raid on Pionerskaya Street, the fact of unauthorized storage of household and construction waste was revealed. The landfill area was 48 sq.m.

May 2023

Inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan together with representatives of GBU "Road Safety" checked the cleanliness of roadside lanes in Laishevsky district. During the survey, three places of unauthorized waste disposal were identified. One dump in the village of Kirby and two in the village of Nikolsky.

June 2020

The briefing was held with participation of the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, Aleksandr Shadrikov. “3,131 violations were revealed, penalties for a total amount of more than 5.3 million rubles were imposed, more than 1,090 protocols were drawn up”, the Minister said. On the whole, 156 thousand people took part in cleaning of the territories, more than 9 thousand units of equipment were involved, more than 500 thousand cubic meters of waste were transported to landfills, more than 1.2 million trees and shrubs were planted.

April 2020

A dump was formed in the Kirovskiy district along the Avtoservisnaya street. During the inspection of the indicated site, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan recorded construction waste from demolition and dismantling of buildings. The area of ​​soil pollution amounted to 2,000 square meters. Currently, the owner of the land is being established, environmentalists sent a request to the Office of the Federal Register of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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