400 thousand residents took part in the sanitary and ecological two-month event

1 June 2024, Saturday

Today, at a meeting in the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, the Minister of Ecology reported on the results of the sanitary and environmental two-month period. Let us recall that the two-month period started on April 1. All municipalities, environmental services, enterprises and concerned residents took part in it. 

"Since the first days of April, despite the late snowfall, mass clean-up and environmental campaigns have been held. Where conditions did not allow cleaning of the territory, snow was raked, the roadbed was cleaned, monuments and obelisks were put in order. In total, over the period of two months, taking into account the Eco-spring competition, more than 15 thousand different campaigns were held," said Alexander Shadrikov. 

Almost 400 thousand residents of the Republic took direct part in the sanitary two-month period (398,865). About 12 thousand units of equipment (11,855) are involved.

348 thousand cubic meters of waste were exported to landfills.

 As part of the landscaping, 764 thousand trees and shrubs were planted by municipalities. 

"A total of 4,800 clean-up days have been held since April 1. Thank you all for your help and concern! As I have already said: a two-month period is just the start of mass harvesting, it is necessary to clean up until late autumn, until we eliminate all landfills, and it is better not to allow their appearance!", - said the Minister of Ecology.

He said that traditionally, the 60-day cleanliness marathon is actively supported by all generations of Tatarstan citizens, and most importantly, many children participate, which is confirmed by the annual competition "School Eco-patrol". During the two-month period, 1,740 photos with places of unauthorized waste disposal from schoolchildren were received. 75% of these requests have already been resolved. 

In total, since April 1, 2,737 applications have been received by our environmental reception through all communication channels, 83% of them have been resolved (2,283). The majority of complaints (2,121) are in the "Landfills" category.

342 questions on unauthorized landfills were received through the People's Control system alone. "When the deadlines for consideration of appeals are delayed, of course, residents react negatively. Let me remind you once again - we must promptly respond to the complaint within 10 days. The deadline is quite sufficient and in 29 municipal districts applications are resolved in a timely manner. But there are unresolved complaints in 16 districts," the head of the Ministry of Ecology of Tatarstan reported. 

Since April 1, 3,460 violations have been detected by all supervisory authorities in the republic, 1,799 have been eliminated (50%), 1,500 violators have been brought to administrative responsibility. Fines were imposed in the amount of about 5 million rubles. 

The Minister gave examples of large-scale violations identified by the department's staff. A huge dump of construction waste was discovered in the Verkhneuslonsky district. Judging by the volumes, the waste was imported to this territory for a long period. 

The landfill is currently being liquidated. There are also examples of rapid response. In the Cheremshansky district, a landfill with an area of 700 square meters were eliminated in almost a week. 

Let us recall that during the two-month period, the territory was patrolled from the ground, from the air, and from the water. 

Together with GBU "Road Safety", roadside lanes of public roads were examined. 30 raids were organized, 71 violations were detected. 

2 air raids were carried out, 203 violations were recorded. 

As part of the air survey, not only landfills were identified, but also land plots formed in violation of environmental legislation, Alexander Shadrikov noted and recommended that employees of Executive Committees who issue permits for the formation of land plots near water bodies not rely only on maps and registers, but go to the places themselves before issuing permits. The head of the Environmental protection agency reported that more than 1,200 illegally formed land plots and water bodies had been identified and recalled that this was an instruction from the Security Council, which was held in August 2022. The materials have been sent to the prosecutor's office. 

Commission detours along the railway tracks were also carried out jointly with Russian Railways. 45 violations have been identified, and only 3 have been suspended. "Colleagues! Please take into account that in June we are welcoming participants and guests of the BRICS Games. It is necessary to put all the right-of-way lanes of railways and highways in order as soon as possible," the minister added that holding such large-scale events is always a big responsibility and the main thing is to ensure safety, including sanitary and environmental.

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