Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology continue raids as part of the sanitary two-month period

3 May 2023, Wednesday

Inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan together with representatives of GBU "Road Safety" checked the cleanliness of roadside lanes in Laishevsky district. During the survey, three places of unauthorized waste disposal were identified. One dump in the village of Kirby and two in the village of Nikolsky.

Inspectors of the Northern TA conducted a joint raid with Russian Railways along the railway lanes along the route from Arsk station to Kukmor station. Inspectors examined three districts – Arsky, Sabinsky and Kukmor districts. 3 violations were revealed.

Warning letters have been sent to the violators to take measures to eliminate the identified violations.

It should be noted that during the three weeks of the sanitary and ecological two-month period, the supervisory authorities in the republic as a whole revealed 3,174 violations (2,356 of them were eliminated), 846 protocols were drawn up, administrative fines totaling 721 thousand rubles were imposed. 1,805 places of unauthorized waste disposal were identified, 1,384 (76.7%) were liquidated.

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