June 2023

Specialists of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan told about laboratory analyses and studies of water and air for the participants of the "Eco-detachment" of the school camp of school No. 41.

June 2023

At school No. 22 Naberezhnye Chelny hosted a "Meeting of young ecologists", where the results of the ecological work of schoolchildren in the academic year were summed up. More than 50 of the most active young ecologists of the city and their leaders were invited to the meeting.


June 2023

A grand summing up of the results of the 15th city festival-contest of socio-ecological advertising "Green World - 2023" was held at the Orion Youth center in Naberezhnye Chelny. The festival-competition is held on the initiative of the center of ecological associations "Eco-assets" and the Orion Youth Center, with the support of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Youth Affairs Department of the Executive Committee of Naberezhnye Chelny.

June 2023

Tatarstan has joined the interregional eco-marathon dedicated to the Day of the Ecologist. The banks of the Kama, Melekeski and Shilny rivers were cleaned in Naberezhnye Chelny as part of the All-Russian ecological campaign "Ecosystem: Marathon of Green Affairs" and "Water of Russia" of the national project "Ecology". The organizers are the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the city administration.

June 2023

Today marks the International Children's Day. On this day, entertainment programs, concerts and other interesting events are held for kids. Ecologists of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan also congratulated their children.

May 2023

Employees of the Prikamsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology held an ecological holiday "Nature is our home" in kindergarten No. 30. The guys told poems specially for the inspectors, demonstrated how they already know how to sort garbage, shared the rules of behavior in the forest.

May 2023

The second stage of the republican campaign to collect spent power sources has been completed in Naberezhnye Chelny. The organizer of the campaign is the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.

May 2023

At school No. 35 of Naberezhnye Chelny the first Republican scientific and practical conference "Contribution to the future" was held. The jury consisted of inspectors of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan and representatives of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Tatarstan. 36 works passed to the final. They were divided into four sections: "ecology", "biology", "master of his craft" and "geography".

May 2023

The city plogging race "Clean Coast" was held on the Tabeyev Embankment in Naberezhnye Chelny. 21 school teams took part in the race. And they were helped by representatives of the Supschool "Standing on the water", who collected garbage on the Kama River on boats. Teaming up, the activists sorted the garbage, dividing it into three fractions: glass, plastic and other waste. In 45 minutes, the participants of the eco-run managed to collect more than 80 bags of garbage.

May 2023

Clean Games were held in Naberezhnye Chelny on the territory of the Pribrezhny Park. The competitions were held as part of the Spring Cleanness Cup. Students, volunteers, activists, dance groups, employees of enterprises and organizations of the city took part in the quest game.

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