What do children know about their parents' work? Today, on the Children's Day, the children went on an excursion to the Ministry where their moms and dads work

1 June 2023, Thursday

Today marks the International Children's Day. On this day, entertainment programs, concerts and other interesting events are held for kids. Ecologists of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan also congratulated their children. The guys started their journey into the world of ecology with a laboratory, where they were introduced to the equipment used by their moms and dads and showed a few simple chemical experiments. The next point of the tour was the offices of parents - the inspectors told the children about the peculiarities of their work and why it is so important to protect nature.

After the tour, the children were presented with eco-paints, certificates to the children's store and sweet gifts.


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