A citizen of Tatarstan will receive 1.5 thousand rubles for a photo or video registration of the violation of the nature protection legislation

1 February 2016, Monday
The remuneration paid to the citizens who have submitted the information on the violations of the nature protection legislation on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan has been increased. Earlier, the citizen who provided photo or video information on the offender received one thousand rubles, and starting 2016 this sum has been increased to 1.5 thousand rubles. Moreover, the list of violations has also been expanded. Besides illegal placement of waste and illegal extraction of mineral resources, people can now also report on the restricted access to the public water facility or its coastline, on the violation of the mode of economic or other activity of the water protection area of the water facility and land damage (destruction of the fertile layer of soil). One can assist in the registration of violations by applying online ateco.signal@tatar.ru, through the online reception office of the Ministry athttp://eco.tatarstan.ru/rus/priem.htm, or in person with attachment of a video file or photos of the relevant violation. Introduction of such a system allows to foster the main efforts to revelation and punishment of people who were directly involved in this or that violation. More detailed information on the requirements to filing applications and the remuneration procedure can be found on the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan at www.eco.tatarstan.ruin the category “State ecological surveillance”. The remuneration is paid on the account of budgetary means of the Republic of Tatarstan in the framework of the state program “Environment protection, reclamation and use of natural resources of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2020” to the extent of the funds to be allocated to the Ministry.

Monetary remuneration is envisaged in order to increase the crime-solving rate pertaining to the violation of the nature protection legislation. As a reminder, such a system was introduced by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan on August 1, 2015.





Press Service of the Ministry




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