4,324 vehicles were checked by inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology as part of Operation Clean Air, which is taking place in Tatarstan in support of the national Ecology project

3 September 2024, Tuesday

Since June 1, in Tatarstan, as part of the annual operation "Clean Air", environmentalists, together with the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan and the interregional territorial Directorate of Rostransnadzor for the Volga Federal District, have already checked 4,324 vehicles. 3,888 passenger cars, 305 trucks and 131 buses were inspected.

125 passenger cars, 4 trucks and 3 buses have not been tested for environmental friendliness. The excess was detected in 132 vehicles, which is 3.1%. An explanatory conversation was held with car owners about the inadmissibility of violations of mandatory requirements of environmental legislation in the field of atmospheric air protection.

We remind you that the operational and preventive event "Clean Air" is taking place in 23 districts of the republic. Until September 30, environmental control of vehicles is planned in 25 districts of Tatarstan.

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