Students and postgraduates can already take part in the competition of scientific and practical works on ecology

2 September 2024, Monday

Today, the acceptance of applications for the competition of scientific and practical works among students and postgraduates of universities of the Republic of Tatarstan, which the Ministry of Ecology holds in support of the national project "Ecology", has started.

Applications for participation in the competition can be sent by e-mail until October 31 .

The in-person defense will take place in November 2024, and the winners will be awarded in December. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be determined in each nomination. The winners will receive certificates in denominations of 50, 30 and 20 thousand rubles.

Students can participate in the nomination "Rational use of natural resources and development of environmental technologies" and prepare projects aimed at preventing negative impacts, restoring natural complexes and components, cleaning industrial and domestic wastewater, and others. 

This year's innovation is the nominations for graduate students. They can apply in the nomination "Environmental Well-being" and tell about innovative projects and original ideas in promising scientific areas that are of great importance for solving environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

Both students and postgraduates will compete for the victory in the nomination "Digital solutions and import substitution in the field of ecology and environmental management". It is worth preparing projects aimed at creating digital technologies in the field of ecology and environmental management that can transform large amounts of data without losing the integrity of the transmitted information.

Bright minds, don't miss the chance! We are waiting for your projects and ideas in the field of ecology!

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