Become an Eco-leader – 2024! The Ministry of Ecology announces the start of the competition!

2 September 2024, Monday

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan announces the start of accepting applications for the republican ECO-leader competition in support of the national Ecology project. Enterprises, educational institutions, public organizations that are not indifferent to environmental issues and, of course, journalists are invited to participate. If you are going to or have already helped the environment in some way, tell us and become the ECO-leader of the year!

You can send your work by November 15 to the email address or bring it to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan at Kazan, Pavlyukhin str., 75, room 108.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs can participate in such nominations as protection of water resources, protection of atmospheric air, effective waste management, and the best project in the field of environmental safety.

Local governments can receive an award for achievements in the field of environmental protection in the territory of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as for achievements in the field of environmental protection in rural settlements of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Three nominations are presented in the field of environmental education - in preschool educational organizations, in general education organizations and organizations of higher and additional education.

For pedagogical experience and initiatives, you can become an eco-leader for systematic ecological and educational work in kindergarten, school and in higher education organizations and organizations of additional education.

Two nominations have also been developed for public associations and citizens.

The media will determine the best TV story, radio story, electronic media material, publication in periodicals. The award awaits the best eco-blogger or videographer.

Participate and win valuable prizes from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan! 

The winners will be awarded in December 2024.

The regulations of the ECO-leader competition are also available on the website of the Ministry of Ecology in the "Contests" section:

Let us recall that since 2004, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan has been holding the republican ECO-leader competition, 196 applications were accepted in 2019, and 325 in 2022.

The event is held with the aim of preserving the environment, attracting public attention to environmental safety issues, as well as encouraging environmental protection activities of enterprises.

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