Let's talk about good deeds together. Tatarstan volunteers are invited to participate in the "Good Tatarstan" until August 7

11 July 2024, Thursday

Applications for the Republican Award in the field of volunteerism (volunteering) "Good Tatarstan" are being accepted. The leaders of the volunteer community of the republic in the fields of health, ecology, inclusion, culture, event management, assistance in the area of SMO and others are invited to participate. These can be organizers of volunteer activities, including non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and business representatives. The winners of the award will be determined in 3 directions: "Volunteers", "Teams", "Business", the Volunteer of the Year of the Republic of Tatarstan is awarded separately. This year's innovation will be the inclusion of the nomination "Family Volunteering", aimed at encouraging families engaged in joint volunteering.

The evaluation of the achievements of volunteers is carried out by the Expert Council of the award, which includes representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the republic, leaders of volunteer associations and employees of the volunteer resource Center of the Republic of Tatarstan. A distinctive feature of the Good Tatarstan Award is the evaluation of exclusively personal achievements and solutions to public problems of volunteers or organizations of the republic.

The Award application campaign will last until August 7. Application link – https://dobro.ru/contest/153/apply/. Detailed information about the Award can be found on the official website: https://dobrotatarstan.ru

The organizers of the Award are the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the NGO "Information and Resource Center of Volunteerism of the Republic of Tatarstan".

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