The pupils of the Arsky Rehabilitation Center plunged into the wonderful world of experiments together with ecologists

25 June 2024, Tuesday

Environmental education is unthinkable without an excursion into the world of nature, experts from the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan believe. This time, the secrets and peculiarities of conducting environmental experiments were revealed together with the pupils of the Arsky rehabilitation center "Istok Nadezhdy".

The children were shown how laboratory technicians check the quality of water, air, and soil. They introduced young nature lovers to the microscope and even gave them the opportunity to participate in various experiments. The students took turns dripping the dye onto the strip, and then dipped it into the solution and watched the process.

According to the specialists of the rehabilitation center, the tour was really informative, because for the first time the children saw colored test tubes, chemical glasses, flasks.

"Such events expand and deepen children's knowledge about the environment. They develop cognitive activity and curiosity, and most importantly, foster a careful attitude towards nature," the mentors of the children concluded.

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