An interdisciplinary team led by Rustam Minnikhanov, Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, got acquainted with the progress of work on the territory of the Blue Lakes

20 June 2024, Thursday

A visiting meeting on the further development of the specially protected natural area "Blue Lakes" was held today by the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. The natural monument, popular among the citizens and guests of Kazan, began to experience more and more anthropogenic and recreational stress. The plans now are to create comfortable conditions for tourists with respect for nature. A large interdisciplinary team is working on the project, which includes specialists from various fields, ranging from ecology to further management of the territory.

 Rustam Minnikhanov was presented with measures to improve the Large and Small Blue Lakes, an equipped descent to the Kazanka River and new places for swimming. In particular, the latter are equipped in such a way as to prevent the loss of water properties, the bottom and silts of the lakes remain intact, the ecosystem of the Blue Lakes is not disturbed.

Let us recall that the Concept of the development of the Blue Lakes ecosystem until 2025 was developed on behalf of the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. In particular, it involves the creation of eco-turn - organized entry points to protected areas with a set of basic infrastructure: parking, a pavilion with rental equipment for outdoor activities, solid waste containers. Eco-trails for tourists with educational and interactive elements will also be organized.

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