The federal project "Water of Russia" of the national project "Ecology" will help the eco-rehabilitation of Knox and Melekeski

11 June 2024, Tuesday

Today, at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Shadrikov spoke about a new federal project that will replace the "water" projects "Improvement of the Volga" and "Preservation of unique water bodies".

"By the decision of the President of the countryVladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the work in the format of national projects continues. The main goals until 2030 are defined — the preservation and strengthening of public health, which is impossible without environmental well-being," the minister said.

He said that according to the new federal project "Water of Russia" in Tatarstan, it is planned to carry out work on clearing Melekeski. The approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation for the inclusion of the Knox River eco-rehabilitation program in the new draft has also been received.

"Measures to clear the riverbed of this river can start as early as this year within the framework of the project "Conservation of unique water bodies". Preliminary approval has already been received," Alexander Shadrikov said.

The list of measures for the new federal project is currently being formed, a number of proposals have been formed and sent from the republic.

Firstly, it is the construction and reconstruction of sewage treatment plants and storm sewers for a total amount of more than 18 billion rubles. There are only 17 objects in the list. Secondly, it is the rehabilitation of water bodies. In total, 29 events worth 4.4 billion rubles were announced from the republic. The Minister spoke about the work already done in the region.

"Since 2019, 30 events totaling 17.6 billion rubles have been implemented within the framework of six federal projects. By the end of 2026, eight more events are planned for 5.7 billion rubles. In addition to federal funding, many activities are implemented at the expense of republican funds, including at the expense of local budgets from environmental revenues," Alexander Shadrikov stressed.

In general, Tatarstan has allocated 60.5 billion rubles for environmental protection measures over six years. As a result, possible damage in the amount of more than 65 billion rubles was prevented.

The Minister of Ecology also noted the contribution of environmentally oriented enterprises in the region, which over six years have allocated almost 36 billion rubles to environmental programs and various events. For many years, Tatarstan has been one of the leaders in the Volga Federal District in this indicator, the minister said.

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