At the initiative of the Astrakhan Region, the Federal Agency for Water Resources held an unscheduled meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group. A decision has been made on the partial operation of the Kuibyshev reservoir

28 May 2024, Tuesday

On May 27, the Federal Agency for Water Resources held an unscheduled meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on regulating the modes of operation of reservoirs of the Volga-Kama Cascade. The meeting was held on the initiative of the Astrakhan region, which made a proposal to extend the fishing shelf. Let us recall that the fishery shelf is a special mode of operation of hydraulic units, which is established to create a favorable aquatic environment for fish spawning in the lower reaches of the Volga.

First Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilnur Gubaidullin took part in the video conference meeting on behalf of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The issue of extending the fishing shelf for 5 days was considered in order to ensure favorable fishing conditions for the Astrakhan region and, as a result, increase discharge costs at the Kuibyshev reservoir to 16,000 cubic meters per second.

Taking into account the situation of last year and forecasts, the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the System Operator of the Unified Energy System (JSC SO UES), PJSC RusHydro opposed the extension of the fisheries shelf. However, according to the results of the general vote, it was decided to extend the fishing shelf for 3 days and set discharge costs of 16,000 cubic meters for this time.

As of May 27, the level of the Kuibyshev reservoir in the upper reaches of the hydroelectric complex was 52.81 m BS, at the Upper Uslon hydropost – 52.85 m BS., and, taking into account the previously established operating mode of the Volga-Kama cascade (Rosvodresursy indications from 05/15/2024), the forecast of the situation at the Kuibyshev reservoir was favorable.

According to the operating mode of the Volga-Kama cascade established by the instructions of Rosvodresursy dated 05/27/2024, the level of the Kuibyshev reservoir is projected to rise by 28 cm, as a result of which by June 2 the level will be 52.53 m BS.

For reference: Due to the May cold snap to sub-zero temperatures, spawning in 2024 will be stretched over time. According to TatarstanVNIRO, only cold-loving species have spawned on the Kuibyshev reservoir.

For the successful completion of the spawning process, it was necessary to ensure that the reservoir level was maintained at 52.7 - 53.0 m BS. In case of a sharp decrease in the level, the spawning result may be unfavorable.

The next meeting of the IWG will be held on June 6.

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