Tatarstan is among the top three regions participating in the Recycling School: Electronics program

21 March 2024, Thursday

An award ceremony was held in Moscow today following the results of the federal program "School of Recycling: Electronics" of the Fund for Rational Environmental Management.

By the end of 2023, the Republic of Tatarstan took 3rd place in the nomination "Regions-leaders of the Recycling School: Electronics program", losing to the Nizhny Novgorod region and St. Petersburg. The Recycling School program is being implemented in 16 regions of the Russian Federation. More than 185 tons of waste of electronic and electrical equipment have already been removed from the territory of 32 settlements of the Republic. The total number of organizations participating in the program was 547.

"Today's award is primarily the merit of our population. Thanks to the contribution of each of us, the republic achieves results in many directions. Such an active participation of the residents of the republic in the projects we are implementing speaks to the confidence of our population in the work we are doing. So we are moving in the right direction," said Deputy Minister Egor Tarnavsky.

Let us recall that in August 2022, within the framework of the Tatarstan Petrochemical Forum, an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of environmental programs was signed between the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Fund for Rational Nature Management. After the signing the federal program "School of recycling: electronics" got widespread on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In terms of the number of registrations from budget organizations on the website of the Fund for Rational Environmental Management, the Republic of Tatarstan occupies a leading place among the regions that have joined the federal program.

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