The violator will pay 235 thousand rubles for damage caused to the environment. Naberezhnye Chelny City Court upheld the decision of environmentalists

7 February 2024, Wednesday

During the inspection of the territory of Naberezhnye Chelny by inspectors of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology, unauthorized waste disposal was revealed in 68 microdistrict in the water protection zone of the Shilna river. The area of the cluttered territory was 524.2 sq.m. Environmentalists calculated the damage caused to the environment in the amount of 235,890 rubles.

A claim for voluntary compensation for damage caused to the environment was sent to the owner who allowed illegal storage. However, on a voluntary basis, the individual did not compensate for the damage, in connection with which a lawsuit was filed with the Naberezhnye Chelny City Court. The environmentalists' demands were fully satisfied. The violator is obliged to liquidate the landfill and pay 235,890 rubles for damage caused to the environment.

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