100 thousand people today attended the "Ecology Day" at the exhibition "Russia" at VDNKh

26 January 2024, Friday

On Ecology Day, which is taking place today as part of the exhibition "Russia" at VDNKh, a whole landing party from Tatarstan went to Moscow - these are Deputy Minister of Ecology Egor Tarnavsky, employees of the environmental education department, activists of the youth movement "It will Be Clean", representatives of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society and representatives of the Tatneft enterprise.  Throughout the day, presentations of the best eco-practices of the republic were held in the Tatarstan pavilion, and master classes were held for schoolchildren and the youngest guests of the exhibition. The children, in the form of an eco-quest, were taught how to properly separate and sort waste, create postcards and eco-bags, talked about tire recycling and showed in practice what microcloning of plants is. It is symbolic that Tatarstan residents became one of the first visitors to the exhibition. Many people came to Moscow specifically to visit the Russia exhibition. "It's such an indescribable delight! Everything is very large-scale, spectacular - this is really an exhibition of Russia's achievements! We are proud of our country, our Russia!" the guests of the exhibition note.

Tatarstan brought to the exhibition a video presentation of pilot projects of the region within the framework of the national project "Ecology". According to Deputy Minister of Ecology Egor Tarnavsky, the Ministry of Ecology is now acting as the coordinator of many environmental projects that may later be broadcast to other regions of the country. "In 2023 alone, more than 10 billion rubles were spent on environmental measures. We have completed a major project for the reclamation of the Samosyrovsky landfill, lifted almost 24 km of flooded oil pipeline from the bottom of the Nizhnekamsk reservoir. All this suggests that Tatarstan is one of the leading regions in environmental protection issues."

Within the framework of the International Exhibition, all regions presented their best practices in the field of ecology, and a rich educational and cultural program awaited visitors. Each region brought to Moscow all its most important symbols and achievements. The Tver Region surprised with an excursion on a new electric train, Altai pleased the ear with the sounds of nature, Kaliningrad pleased with sunny amber, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region talked about polar bears and local traditions, Mari El and Chuvashia shared folklore.

Everyone was able to take part in environmental quizzes, attend documentary screenings, and listen to lectures on conscious consumption.

Within the framework of the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia", the Ministry of Ecology told colleagues about the projects "Free Current" and the revival of the Volga-Kama population of Saker falcons. At the end of the day, a prize draw was held. Those who were able to overcome all the master classes and quests of the Ministry of Ecology received fragrant eco-candles, bottles for drinking water as a gift, and the main winners took away an electric grill and travel kits from the exhibition.

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