Tatarstan is a three-time winner of the "Water of Russia" campaign

3 December 2023, Sunday

Tatarstan has once again become the winner of the All-Russian coastal cleaning campaign "Water of Russia", implemented within the framework of the national project "Ecology" (federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies"). The winner's diploma was presented today to Deputy Minister of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Egor Tarnavsky at VDNKh within the framework of the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia" in Moscow. "I want to congratulate all Tatarstan citizens! We have won again! That's great! The campaign has become one of the most beloved, because Tatarstan is a multi–watered region, 6.4% of the territory of our republic is covered with water, and every Tatar understands that our rivers, our lakes and their purity depend on the environmental activity of everyone," he said.

This year, about 323 thousand people took part in coastal cleanup activities in Tatarstan, about 9 thousand km of shores were cleaned and 22 thousand cubic meters of garbage were collected. The Republic of Tatarstan has been participating in the campaign since 2019 and has already become the winner of the All-Russian coastal cleaning campaign "Water of Russia" in 2021 and 2022. And today, the people of Tatarstan have once again proved that the most active eco-volunteers live in our republic.

In total, in the 10th anniversary season of the campaign, 1,576,711 people went out to clean up in all regions of Russia, 38,459.4 km of shores were cleared and 1,847,737 bags of garbage were collected.

"Today we are awarding not just the heads of ministries of the five most active regions, we are awarding all participants of the campaigns from these regions! Many volunteers go out to clean up many times a year, so that only in the most active regions more than 500 thousand participants of the campaign are recruited per season!" - said Roman Minukhin, Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the field of water Resources of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

As the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Tatarstan Alexander Shadrikov has repeatedly noted, Tatarstan has a particularly reverential attitude towards this campaign, more and more residents are joining such environmental volunteering. "We are grateful to everyone who supported us, who devoted their weekends to the general cleaning of the banks of our rivers and lakes. This victory is the victory of every Tatarstan citizen! Ecology unites us!" he stressed. Alexander Shadrikov also thanked the organizers of the Russian Water campaign for their comprehensive support.

For reference:

The All-Russian campaign to clean the shores of water bodies "Water of Russia" has been held within the framework of the national project "Ecology" (initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin) since 2014. This year is the tenth anniversary year for the "Water of Russia". During the campaign, 9.5 million people went out to clean up, and 10.9 million bags of garbage were collected from the shores of reservoirs.

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