Almetyevsk Lyceum handed over more than 4 tons of waste paper as part of the school campaign "Hand over waste paper, save the tree"

30 October 2023, Monday

In Almetyevsk, teachers, parents and students of Lyceum No. 2, as part of the school campaign "Hand over waste paper, save the tree", handed over 4 tons of 195 kg of paper and cardboard for recycling. The leaders among the students were the students of the 2nd "B" class. They collected 700 kg of waste paper. The guys shared their results at a meeting with specialists of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan. Inspector Olga Petrakova conducted an environmental literacy lesson for the second graders and told the children about the work in the department and the main tasks of the Ministry. Also during the conversation, the inspector reported on environmental protection measures that are taking place in the Republic of Tatarstan.

"Love for our small homeland begins with a careful attitude to nature and the surrounding world, the riches that are given to us. I really want children to know this from an early age. The guys showed not only good knowledge in the field of ecology, but also a willingness to act to preserve the environment. They are already consciously engaged in collecting waste paper, sorting garbage. And this is great, because the foundations of environmental education are laid in early childhood," the inspector noted. In memory of the lesson, Olga Petrakova gave the children books from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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