Tatarstan leads by a large margin in the most eco-friendly challenge in Russia - BoomBattle

26 October 2023, Thursday

Today, on the World Day without Paper, the first interim results of the large-scale All-Russian action "BoomBattle" became known. Tatarstan ranks first among all regions of Russia both in terms of the number of participants and the amount of waste paper collected. By October 26, our republic had collected 36 tons of waste paper, 5631 residents of Tatarstan joined the campaign – we are leading among other regions of the country by a large margin in terms of the number of participants. Tatarstan's leadership is the result of a huge educational work that is going on in the Republic, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Shadrikov is sure.

"It's great that Tatarstan is again leading in the most eco–friendly challenge in Russia - BoomBattle. Our Republic is always actively involved in all environmental events and campaigns. Every third Tatarstan citizen is our like–minded person, for whom ecology is not just a science, it is already a way of life, a way of thinking. On behalf of Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov, the Head of Tatarstan, environmental classes are working in 103 schools of the Republic, young naturalists detachments have been created. Quite recently, our Tatarstan children became one of the winners of the All-Russian Children's Environmental Forum in Chelyabinsk, and this, of course, makes us happy. Our guys go out to clean the coastlines, collect waste paper, hand over batteries – they learn to live in harmony with nature, because ecology is not only about "here" and "now", it's about our future, about the future of our children," the minister said.

In total, since the start of the All-Russian campaign "BoomBattle", about 70 thousand people have joined the collection of waste paper across the country, who have already sent about 400 tons of paper raw materials for processing. To date, the top three among the most productive regions are the Republic of Tatarstan, the Bryansk Region and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.

This year, the "BoomBattle" waste paper collection campaign is being held for the fourth time and will cover even more regions of the country. The organizer of the campaign is ANO "National Priorities" together with the All-Russian ecological social movement "Ecosystem".

The "BoomBattle" campaign is held in support of the national project "Ecology" with the participation of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Sports of Russia. The partners of the campaign are PPK "Russian Environmental Operator" and RDDM "Movement of the First".

Let us recall that the campaign will last until November 15 – during this time, everyone can become a participant in the federal project.

To participate, you need to register on the бумбатл.рф website, specify the organization or independent participation, select the nearest reception point on the interactive map, take the paper there and upload the report to your personal account. In the final, the organizing committee and the jury of the project will determine the leaders among kindergartens, colleges, universities and companies and in individual competition. Also, the most productive regions of the country will be announced as part of the "BoomBattle" campaign.

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