In Tatarstan, inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology and Traffic Police checked almost 7 thousand cars as part of Operation Clean Air

16 October 2023, Monday

The Republic of Tatarstan summed up the results of operation "Clean Air". Every year, the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with employees of the Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, organizes raids to check vehicles to prevent the negative impact of car exhaust emissions on the atmospheric air.

This year, during the operation, which started in the Republic on June 1, 6886 vehicles were checked – these are 5,999 cars, 479 trucks and 408 buses. In the exhaust gases of 184 cars, excess standards for pollutants were detected, which is 2.7% of all cars tested. The largest number of exceedances – 130 were detected in gasoline-powered cars (5,609 gasoline-powered cars were tested). 874 cars were tested on the diesel engine, 46 of them had excess. 8 violations were detected in gas-powered vehicles (403 vehicles were checked).

Let us recall that in 2021, during a direct line, Vladimir Putin said that the Federal Government and regional authorities are doing everything possible to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by 20% by 2024. The Head of State noted that the main sources of air pollution are housing and communal services, including boiler houses, and urban transport.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, there is a steady tendency to reduce the number of cars with an increased content of harmful substances in exhaust gases, which is associated with the gradual renewal of the vehicle fleet, the decommissioning of physically and morally obsolete cars, as well as the production and sale of motor fuel with improved environmental characteristics at gas stations. Since 1994, according to the results of the operation, the share of vehicles with a high content of pollutants in exhaust gases has decreased by 10 times.

For reference:

In 2020, 6588 vehicles were checked, 220 violations were detected;

2021 – 6201 vehicles were checked, 172 violations were detected;

In 2022, 6570 vehicles were checked, 183 violations were detected.

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