The fact of wastewater discharge was revealed by environmentalists in the Yelabuga district

6 October 2023, Friday

According to the received information about soil contamination in the village of Kolosovka of the Yelabuga district, inspectors of the Prikamsky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan went to the place. During the survey of the territory, the fact of wastewater discharge to the terrain was recorded. As it turned out, the pollution occurred as a result of depressurization of the sewer collector, the operation and maintenance of which is carried out by JSC "Special Economic Zone of industrial and production type "Alabuga". Soil samples were taken by ecologists. The result of the analysis showed an excess of 1.2 times for sulfate ions and 1.3 times for nitrate ions.

Due to the fact that JSC "SEZ PPT "Alabuga" is subject to federal supervision, all materials were transferred under the jurisdiction of the Volga-Kama Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor.

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