Today Kazan joined the marathon "In the footsteps of good deeds" by organizing a clean-up on the banks of the Kazanka River

6 September 2023, Wednesday

Kazan has joined the marathon of eco-enterprises "In the footsteps of good deeds", which takes place within the framework of the Olympiad of young ecologists "Clean Heritage". Schoolchildren and students, local activists, volunteers and young naturalists came to clean the bank of the Kazanka River today.

Deputy Minister of Ecology of Tatarstan Egor Tarnavsky addressed the participants of the middleman with a welcoming speech. "Today, the capital of Tatarstan is taking the baton of eco-enterprises "In the footsteps of good deeds" from Almetyevsk. Together with colleagues from the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Tatarstan, we are holding an campaign to clean up the coastal territory of Kazanka. The marathon is attended by 11 settlements of the republic in the area of activity of Tatneft, where various eco-campaigns will be held. Kazan is passing the baton to Naberezhnye Chelny today!" said Yegor Tarnavsky.

In two hours, 160 participants collected more than 100 bags of garbage, dividing it into fractions: glass, plastic and unsorted waste. "We came here to clean up our city from garbage. There are a lot of glass and plastic bottles here. Please do not litter and clean up after yourself!" - the activist of the movement of young naturalists urges.

Let us recall that on September 2, as part of the celebration of the Oilworker's Day, the Olympiad of young environmentalists "Clean Heritage" started in Almetyevsk. The Olympiad is being held for the first time this year. It is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of Tatarstan oil development, the 75th anniversary of the Romashkinskoye field and the Year of the Teacher and Mentor in Russia.

The format of the Olympiad provides for 2 stages – correspondence and full-time. An eco-marathon will be held as part of the correspondence stage. During the month, 11 settlements of Tatarstan will host clean-ups in a game format, ecological tours, tree planting and an ecological festival.

The organizers of the Olympiad are the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and PJSC Tatneft named after V. D. Shashin.

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