More than 1 million rubles were paid by the owner of the land plot for violation of environmental legislation

3 August 2023, Thursday

According to the information received about the unauthorized disposal of waste in the Sovetsky district of Kazan, inspectors of the Central Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan carried out a field visit. During the survey of the territory, the storage of the battle of reinforced concrete products on the soil was revealed. The area of cluttering of the territory was 6376 sq. m., the volume of the landfill was 7651 cubic meters.  Environmentalists have calculated the damage caused to the environment.

The Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology appealed to the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan with a claim to the owner of the land plot for damages. The ecologists' claims were satisfied by the judicial authority. The owner of the land plot liquidated the landfill, and also paid the amount for the damage caused to the environment in the amount of 1,275,218 rubles.

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