The Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan awarded the winners and prize-winners of the VII Republican online contest "EQUEST" 2023

6 June 2023, Tuesday

Today, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan summed up the results of the VII Republican online contest "EQUEST". This year, 732 eco-activists took part in it - these are 122 teams from 34 cities and districts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The organizers were the youth environmental movement "It will be clean" with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.

During the month, the participants organized clean-ups, lessons, collection of recyclables and other environmental awareness campaigns. This year the contest has updated its format. If last year it was designed for students, this year the participants were both kids from kindergartens and employees of enterprises and organizations. In total, seven nominations were presented in the competition: "Young ecologists", "Ecolates", "Eco-schools", "EcoDop", "EcoPro", "StudEcoUni" and "StudEco". Each team had to complete 14 tasks.

Today 124 participants of the online contest from different regions of the republic came to the Ministry of Ecology for the award ceremony. They were welcomed and congratulated with well-deserved awards by the Deputy Minister of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Egor Tarnavsky and the head of the Regional Youth Public Organization "It will be clean" Dilara Satikova.

"We are all engaged in an important business – we preserve and protect nature. When we started holding this contest, we didn't even think that it would be possible to unite so many people. Every year we try to hear all your wishes, to make the contest even better and more interesting. Thank you for your active participation," the head of the Regional Youth Public Organization "It will be Clean" thanked all participants.

"There are so many of you today, we were pleasantly surprised that we have such an active youth. Thank you for all choosing ecology. After all, this is really what unites us," Deputy Minister of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Egor Tarnavsky greeted the winners of the online contest.

In total, within the framework of the competition, participants held 125 clean-up days and tree planting actions, 60 actions to collect secondary raw materials and 59 actions to collect animal aid. Thanks to such active work, more than 20 thousand Tatarstan citizens took part in various environmental activities.

 "I am very proud of my children. We are delighted with this competition," says the musical director of kindergarten No. 10  of Kukmor Irina Gafarova.

"We are very happy, we have spent a lot of time and effort. It's great that there are such contests," Dilara Fakhrutdinova, the captain of the Warm Hands team, shared her impressions

According to the results of the competition , the first places were taken:

The team "Warm pens" of Kazan National Research Technological University took the nomination "StudEcoUni";

In the nomination "Young ecologists", the first place was shared by the team "Comet" of kindergarten No. 42. of Zelenodolsk and the team of "Ecosvetlyachki" kindergarten No. 3 of Mamadysh;

The "Friends of the Planet" team of Lyceum No. 14 of Zelenodolsk won in the "Ecolyata"  nomination.

In the nomination "Eco-schools" - the team "ECO-VALOR" of Muslyumovsky gymnasium of Muslyumovsky district;

Nomination "EcoDop" - the team "EcoAnimators" of the city children's ecological and biological center of Kazan;

Nomination "EcoPro" - the team of "Eco-fairy" kindergarten No. 19 of Kukmor;

Nomination "StudEco" - team "ECO-STYLE" of Zainsky Polytechnic College;

Let us recall that the youth environmental movement "It Will be clean" was created and is developing with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. Now more than 9 thousand students have joined this movement in the republic. The event was held as part of the All-Russian environmental campaign "Ecosystem: marathon of green affairs".

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