Alexander Shadrikov: "Over five years, thanks to environmental measures, living conditions for 2.3 million people have been improved"

30 May 2023, Tuesday

Over the past five years, thanks to environmental measures, possible damage in the amount of more than 58 billion rubles has been prevented in the Republic of Tatarstan, environmental living conditions for 2.3 million people have been improved. This was told today by the Minister of Ecology Alexander Shadrikov at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers.

"In total, more than 850 events were held, over 52 billion rubles were allocated, of which the amount of budget financing amounted to 20 billion rubles, extra-budgetary – almost 32 billion rubles. For five years, Tatarstan has been a leader in the Volga Federal District in terms of the contribution of enterprises to investments in environmental protection measures," he said. The head of the Ministry of Ecology explained that "extra-budgetary funds" refers to the amount that Tatarstan enterprises have invested in the environment: "I would like to thank the enterprises separately, whose contribution amounted to almost 30 billion rubles. This is a vivid example of the social responsibility of business."

According to Alexander Shadrikov, the main project in the context of budget financing is still the national project "Ecology". Over 4 years, 14 billion rubles have been allocated for the implementation of 4 regional projects of the republic.


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