Almost 700 thousand people took part in the sanitary two-month period

27 May 2023, Saturday

Today, at the traditional republican meeting in the Cabinet of Ministers, Alexander Shadrikov reported on the results of the sanitary and environmental two-month period. Let us recall that it started on the first day of April and within two months residents of the Republic, municipalities, environmental services, enterprises and organizations actively joined the work to restore order. 

In total, almost seven hundred thousand people (688,708) took part in the two-month events. More than 18 thousand units of equipment (18,166) are involved. 520 thousand cubic meters of waste (520,943) were taken to landfills. Landscaping work was also actively underway. Municipalities have planted 650 thousand trees and shrubs.

As the Minister of Ecology noted, Tatarstan traditionally takes an active part in the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia" within the framework of the national project "Ecology". "This year we celebrated Volga Day by cleaning its banks. All regions of Russia located on the Volga came out for clean-ups. The All-Russian campaign was held in Kazan, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and other cities. Also on May 26, a clean-up day was held as part of the All-Russian campaign "Clean up after yourself". Both events are timed to coincide with the X Nevsky International Environmental Congress, which was held these days in St. Petersburg," Alexander Shadrikov said. 

The activity of the population in environmental issues is also confirmed by the number of appeals to the environmental reception. In just two months, about 5 thousand requests were received through all communication channels. Most of the complaints are landfills.

For example, 262 notifications were received only through People's Control. 

Among the positive examples, the head of the Ministry of Ecology noted the joint operational processing of complaints with the Executive Committee of Kazan. 

Schoolchildren also helped the inspectors during the two-month period. 

As part of the School Eco-patrol competition, they sent 3.5 thousand notifications. Half of the complaints have already been worked out and resolved. 

In total, as a result of supervisory activities for the period of two months in the republic, 8,014 violations were detected, 6,890 of them were eliminated. 1,849 violators were brought to administrative responsibility, fines totaling more than 2.5 million rubles were imposed.

 "Of the 8 thousand violations identified, about 70 percent are landfills (5,550). Last year, the figure was almost the same. Almost 90 percent of landfills have already been eliminated," the Minister of Ecology said. 

The head of the environmental protection agency spoke about how the territory of the republic was monitored. 

Patrolling was carried out both from the ground and from the air. Together with the GBU "Road Safety", roadside lanes of public roads were examined.

Also, as part of the monitoring of the territories, air raids took place, commission detours of railways were carried out jointly with Russian Railways.  

Highways are also in the spotlight. Every year a lot of work is carried out by the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic. Together with their contractors, they actively participate in the cleaning of roads of federal and regional significance.  Since April, about 5,000 cubic meters of solid household waste have been collected, more than 4,000 people and 303 units of special equipment have been involved. 

Alexander Shadrikov also thanked the media for their help. 429 articles were published in two months, 128 stories about the work of inspectors were aired.


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